Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Embracing Technology

So I did something out of the norm, I signed up for a personal twitter account and am now tweeting. It may not seem strange given I am a blogger and I have a Facebook account but if you knew me you would know that I'm a pretty private person. My Facebook account has limited friends and I continuously delete comments, pictures etc...(that may just be my obsessive compulsiveness) but all in all these things aren't showing the real me just an online part of me. So why did I sign up and start randomly writing my thoughts for the world to read, well it came about because of a course I'm taking. The course is about new media and marketing and it's really interesting and it got me thinking about my internal fight with technology and how I go back and forth on the merits and pitfalls it presents. What I came to realize is that instead of fighting with it I am going to embrace it because it isn't going anywhere and if anything things are only getting better faster.

Like anything it's a rush at first but I'm sure I will get bored of it like I have with Facebook. But if any of you are interested in reading my random comments about life, feel free to look me up at BeebsinTO.

Queen B

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