Monday, October 25, 2010

The never ending dating machine

Well – I’ve been away for a while, believe it or not in this away time, I’ve actually gone on a couple dates with hopefully more to come and I’ve actually been reading about dating. I’m charged and focused and this year I will get a boyfriend! Even if I have to kidnap him and cage him (but don’t worry, I’m not desperate or anything).

They say you have to go on at least 50 dates before you actually find someone you can tolerate…ok, maybe those aren’t the exact words, but that’s basically what they mean…so here is date 1 and 2:
The first guy I went on a date with was from Toronto and we were set up through friends of friends. He wanted to meet at a Keg…”Wow”, I thought, “fancy”.  It went well. No instant sparks or anything, but he was nice and the conversation was easy. Maybe a little on the arrogant side, but what the heck, no one is perfect. I did consider giving him a second date until the bill came. He took the bill and stared at it for the longest time until I said “Ok, do you want to split this then?” and he said “Whatever you want, it’s up to you”…what the heck does that mean? So we split it and any chance of a second date went out the window. He texted me about 4 days later saying, “I had a good time…not sure what your feelings were? But I didn’t feel a romantic connection”…so if I had texted back and been like, “Oh that sucks, I totally liked you…bummer” I wonder what his response would have been? I guess that’s why he didn’t pay for dinner. Personally if the guy invites you out and picks the place, they should pay no matter what.

The second guy actually came up to me at a bar…and then called to ask me out. I knew this guy was trouble cause I was attracted to him…Mark Walberg bod and all! We went out to dinner on our first date..blah, blah, blah…and he was instantly crazy about me. I saw him for a second date and he used a lot of “future” talk. He paid and ordered for me, which I liked, he’s fun and manly, older than me but still acted 17. He had a bit of a trouble youth and obviously has a couple screws lose. He called me twice drunk with strange possessive type conversation and once to apologize. We’ve known each other 3 weeks and he asked me to go away with him. God, it feel as though we’ve dated for a lifetime already! I started to feel sorry for him cause I think he’s a little messed up and super lonely. And now it’s ruined. He was too eager and I told him I can’t be an instant girlfriend and that I have to get to know and trust someone…he got offended and I haven’t heard from him since. Too bad…he had 2 of the 3 things I want in a man 1) to be attracted to him 2) wants a commitment (but not obsessively). Number 3 is just a nice guy…no fuss, no muss. This guy is way too much fuss and seriously needs to clear out some muss. 

So I’m 0 and 2…this is exhausting…I can’t imagine going on 48 more of these. 

Good luck out there gals…it’s rough.

Single Chick

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