Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Did I just get dumped?

Yesterday I took Daisy out for her puppy play date with a friend that lives in my building complex.  I had met him during the summer while out walking Daisy; he too had just gotten a new puppy. We chatted a few times and one day he asked me out for coffee. I was not interested in him that way but said yes, thinking there really was no valid reason for me to say no. Well he made me pay for my coffee which ended any chance he may have had. We did however become friends; it was clear there was no interest on either part. I am just too much for his very particular ways and for me I was never interested. 

It turns out he has recently met someone and informed me that it may not be a good idea for us to meet for puppy play dates, UH!? So I think I have been dumped, UH! This is what confuses me about the male species.
1)      Absolutely nothing happened between us 
2)       It is obvious I am not interested in him because I’ve told him to grow a pair of balls 
3)      The only physical contact we have had was when I punch him in the shoulder and said ‘Dude you need to relax or your dog is going to become a pussy’ 

Clearly I was not trying to impress him at all for normally I am not so crass. Also my filter tends to break down every now and again so what I’m thinking just spills out but if I like you I have a little more control... a little. 

So does he think I like him? Is that why he is concerned about our pups playing together? I’m so confused because to me it is no big deal, and why not bring the girlfriend along? 

This has happened to me before with someone that I went on 4 dates with but we did not even kiss because I apparently made him too nervous. I had not talked or seen him in over a year but ran into at a concert and gave him a hug and asked how’s life. He pulled back and got all freaked out, later I find out he had a girlfriend. I hugged him as a friendly gesture since nothing happened between there were no hard feelings, it wasn’t a sign that I wanted him or did he think it was? A couple of months after that awkward encounter (on his part), he messages me on Facebook to see if I was interested in NSA (no strings attached) sex. So he didn’t have the balls to try and kiss me but now he is in a relationship looking for NSA sex, I told him NO I am more than NSA and that he is out of line and will be deleted.

Lucky for Daisy she has another puppy to play with and this pup’s owner is a foot shorter than myself so CLEARLY he must know that we are just puppy play date friends, right? Or will he dump me as well when he finds a girlfriend?( I assume he doesn’t have a girlfriend because he lives with his mother.)

If anyone can enlighten me as to why these two behaved that way I would be forever grateful. 


1 comment:

  1. Remember the F.A.G guy? The guy who was schmuck enough to let you slip away?
