Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If you can dream it, you have it...

I am now reading ‘The Power’ by Ronda Byrne the author of ‘The Secret’. I am a firm believer that you get what you put out into the universe. Attitude is everything! The more positive you are the more good things will come your way.  ‘The Power’ states that if you want something you should act like you have it already. If you want a relationship than you need to act like you are in one. If you hog the bed than you should try to sleep on your side to make room for that future mate. Have a space in your closet ready, put an extra plate out at dinner time (okay I admit that suggestion is bordering on Crazy Cat Lady) However I think there is a valid point to this, for me acting like I am in a relationship would mean I need to go out and buy some nice gitch. Gone are the days of the matching bra and panties. Everything is about comfort these days and well if you want to attract someone you need to do whatever it is that makes you feel sexy and confident. 
Gals, you need to be aware if you’re falling into the comfort trap. Things to look out for are:
1)      You have stopped wearing you favourite heels,
2)      You wash and go, rather than fixing your hair, putting on some lip gloss on before you go
3)      NONE of your bra’s and panties match!!!!!!
4)      You only shave your legs, when absolutely necessary
5)      You have a track suit for everyday of the week
6)      You still have nail polish on your toes from last year’s pedicure
7)      You didn’t bother with a pedicure and you walk around with your gnarly toes hanging out for all to see.
8)      You would rather stay home and watch reality TV because it’s too much work to get ready to go out
To avoid the comfort trap we should always try to leave the house looking our best, NOT for anyone else but for YOU. Think about how you feel when you know you look good, you walk with more confidence, there is strut in your stride. The world is your oyster and you know it! When you feel good, you naturally feel happier, when you are happier people are drawn to you, and the more people you meet the closer you get to the man of your dreams.  Be happy for those that have good relationships, smile when you see couples together, tell the universe that you love seeing people in love and love will come.
Try changing your attitude to one of love and happiness and see what it brings. Remember good thoughts bring good things. Good Luck gals, I know there is someone out there waiting for each of us.


  1. Love it!!!! I guess its a good thing that Victoria Secret is opening this week!!! Time to get out of the comfort zone.... its about being sassy and classy.... Haven't I heard that before somewhere???

  2. OOOOOOOOOOH I forgot about Victoria Secret opening this Thursday,perfect timing!!!
