Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Double Life...

I have just returned from a 3 day weekend getaway with 3 of the greatest dudes a girl could ever know. I say dudes because I realized this weekend that my friends and I are men trapped in women’s bodies. There was nothing girlie about us, it was a weekend of drinking, belching, and farting. If you were to look in our fridge you would have found beer and kobasa sausage, see dudes. Oh girls word of advice never eat kobasa sausage when drinking beer, because you will be burping that shit up all night and I wonder why I’m single.

I met a drama teacher on Friday night and we got along famously. I kept asking him “how do I know if this is the real him or if he is acting?”, but I realized we are all actors when we go away. It’s like we live double lives. I had to go all the way up north to talk to someone from my own back yard. If we were at a bar in Toronto we wouldn’t have talked to each other. Everyone is so uptight in the city but take them out of it and well…anything can happen.

Once you are officially on vacation the new you kicks in. For me I am able to live in the moment and nothing else matters. I’m not worried about work, or the things on my “to do list”, I’m not concerned that I still have not figured out what path I will take once school is done, everything just disappears. Life is so good when you live in the moment and just go with whatever comes your way. I only wish I could do this in my day to day life; but as soon as I pulled into my parking spot last night it hits, the work stress, the things on my “To do list” and the loneliness. I just spent 4 days with 3 amazing friends, we laughed so hard we cried many times throughout the weekend, it was so much fun that walking into my apartment just seemed so empty. That feeling has passed and life is back to normal, work, gym and school but now I have some memories that will last me a life time thanks to my wonderful girlies and to “Mr. Drama” with the Mother Love Bone CD for making this Single Gal very happy that she was single ;)

Girls take a break from life go away with some of your closest gal pals and live in the moment, life is way too short.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great weekend..... so..... did you switch numbers????
